Office of Academic Enrichment
Service-Learning and Community-Engaged Teaching
Support for Learning through Community Engagement

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Publication Outlets

The Engagement Scholarship Consortium maintains a comprehensive list of journals that focus on community-engaged scholarship, university outreach, service-learning, etc.  We have highlighted a few below that may be particularly relevant for Ohio State faculty.

Community Works Journal

The Journal features essays and reflections along with curriculum overviews that highlight the importance of place, service, and sustainability to education.

Education, Citizenship and Social Justice

A peer-reviewed journal that provides a strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue for all academic educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the different dimensions of division in society within the context of education, citizenship and social justice across the full spectrum of education and education-related institutions and practices.

Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship

The editorial board of the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (JCES) invites the submission of manuscripts that relate to its mission: To provide a mechanism through which faculty, staff, and students of academic institutions and their community partners may disseminate scholarly works from all academic disciplines. A goal of the publication is to integrate teaching, research, and community engagement. All forms of writing, analysis, creative approaches, and methodologies are acceptable for the journal..

Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement

A peer-reviewed publication that serves as a forum to promote continuing dialogue about the service and outreach mission of universities and to foster understanding of how the service and outreach mission relates to the teaching and research missions as well as the needs of society. Edited by Melvin B. Hill, Jr., the journal is published by the Institute of Higher Education and the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach of the University of Georgia.


The MERLOT system provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners, and researchers.  Materials can be added to the MERLOT collection by registered members of MERLOT, and all MERLOT materials are examined or peer reviewed in various ways to ensure that they are useful for the MERLOT community.

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning

An award-winning, peer-reviewed academic journal containing papers written by faculty and service-learning educators on research, theory, pedagogy, and issues pertinent to the service-learning community. Site contains abstracts of MJCSL articles and information on subscribing and submitting manuscripts.

The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement

This is a journal reviewed and published by the International Association of Research on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement (IARSLCE). It is an online journal dedicated to sharing high-quality research focused on service-learning, campus-community engagement, and the promotion of active and effective citizenship through education.