Office of Academic Enrichment
Service-Learning and Community-Engaged Teaching
Support for Learning through Community Engagement

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The Office of Service-Learning and Community-Engaged Teaching has a wide variety of media resources that can support you in your endeavors. Browse our list of resources below.

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201 IceBreakers: Group Mixers, Warm-ups, Energizers, and Playful Activites:

Author/Editor:  West, Edie
Summary:  Workbook containing serveral Icebreakers
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  McGraww-Hill
Year Published:  1997
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

A Good Practice Guide and Self-evaluation Instruments for Managing the Quality of Service-Learning:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  This Good Practice Guide on service-learning is one of several publications that the HEQC, in collaboration with JET Education Services (formerly Joint Education Trust), is devoting to community engagement in South African higher education. Higher Education Institutes vary widely in the way they locate and give effect to community engagement in their missions, and various approaches to and organisation of community engagement have emerged in South Africa.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  The Council on Higher Education
Year Published:  2006
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

A Practical Guide for Integrating Civic Responsibility into the Curriculum:

Author/Editor:  Gottlieb, Karla; Robinson, Gail
Summary:  The need of Civic Responsibility in Service Learning--Defining Civic Responsibility--The Practice of Civic Responsibility
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association of Community Colleges
Year Published:  2002
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

A Practitioner's Guide to Reflection in Service-Learning: Student's Voices and Reflections:

Author/Editor:  Eyler, Janet; Giles, Dwight E. Jr.; Schmiede, Angela
Summary:  This guide is a resource for anyone seeking to use critical reflection in service-learning. Drawing upon student testimony of successful reflection, it assists in developing reflection activities for service-learning courses or programs. The guide is practical and interactive by design and should foster active engagement on the part of the reader, through both the nature of its content and its accessibility.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Vanderbilt University
Year Published:  1996
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

A Time for Boldness: a Story of Institutional Change:

Author/Editor:  Zimpher, Nancy L.; Percy, Stephen L.; Brukardt, Mary Jane
Summary:  Tells the story of The Milwaukee Idea.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Anker Publishing, Inc.
Year Published:  2002
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Academic Service-Learning: A Pedagogy of Action and Reflection:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  Provides a conceptual structure for academic service larning, describes successful programs, and discusses issues that faculty and administrators must consider as they incorporate service-learning into courses.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Academic Service-Learning: Faculty Development Manual:

Author/Editor:  Stacey, Kathleen; Rice, Dale L.; Langer, Georgea
Summary:  This manual guides college faculty by defining academic service-learning, listing the benefits of it, showing how to adapt a course to include academic service-learning, and concrete suggestions for integrating academic service-learning with 13 academic disciplines. Appendices show sample forms to be used in academic service-learning settings as well as a reference list.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Eastern Michigan University
Year Published:  2001
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Academics in Action:

Summary:  This VHS video, hosted by Senator John Glenn, explores service-learning. Featured are comments by several individuals who served on the Commission, as well as various students, teachers, and others who have gained first-hand knowledge of service learning and its many benefits.
Format:  Audio/Video
Publisher:  National Service-Learning Partnership/W.K. Kellogg Foundation in partnership with The John Glenn School for Pubic Affairs
Year Published:  
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Acting Locally: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Environmental Studies:

Author/Editor:  Ward, Harold
Summary:  Why is service-learning so pervasive in environmental studies programs?
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

American Idealist: The Story of Sargent Shriver:

Author/Editor:  Orenstein, Bruce
Summary:  What a great story of the dream seeker, who contribute to the programs: Head start, UPK, etc. and civil right movement that we take it for granded today.
Format:  Audio/Video
Publisher:  Chicago Video Project
Year Published:  2008
Available Online?:   No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

An American Mosaic: Service-Learning Stories:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  This book describes service learning projects and outcomes at AACC's 2003-2006 Horizons grantee colleges; includes service learning reflections, resources, and promising practices. The colleges represent rural, suburban, and urban areas; include tribal and Hispanic-serving institutions; and have student populations as small as 200 and as large as 25,000.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association of Community Colleges
Year Published:  2007
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Assessing Service-Learning and Civic Engagement; Principles and Techniques:

Author/Editor:  Gelmon, Sherril B.; Holland, Barbara A.; Driscoll, Amy; Spring, Amy; Kerrigan, Seanna
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Campus Compact
Year Published:  2001
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Beyond the Tower: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Philosophy:

Author/Editor:  Lisman, David C.; Harvey, Irene E.
Summary:  Knowledge, foundations, and discourse : philosophical support for service-learning.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Bridges out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities:

Author/Editor:  DeVol, Philip E.; Payne, Ruby K. Ph.D.; Smith, Terie Derussi.
Summary:  Provides information on working with and aiding people from povery for a business, an agency, or an organization.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  aha! Process, Inc.
Year Published:  2006
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Bring Learning to Life: An Introduction to Service-Learning:

Summary:  Brought to you by Learn and Serve America, this VHS video offers insights from teachers, principals and students who have experienced the benefits of service-learning, and provides an introduction to service-learning as an effective strategy to: improve academic achievement; increase student engagement; improve social behavior; build civic skills; and strengthen community partnerships.
Format:  Audio/Video
Publisher:  Learn and Serve America
Year Published:  
Available Online?:   No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Building Communites from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community's Assets:

Author/Editor:  Kretzmann, John P; Mcknight, John L.
Summary:  A guide containing information about building communites based on asseets, skills, capacties of residents, citizens, citizens' associations, and local institutions.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  ACTA Publications
Year Published:  1993
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Building Community: Service Learing in the Academic Disciplines:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  The Third Mission: Service & the Academy
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Colorado Campus Compact
Year Published:  1994
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Building Cultural Competence: Innovative Activities and Models:

Author/Editor:  Berado, Kate; Deardorff, Darla K.
Summary:  A step-by-step guide about how to effectively work with the new models, frameworks, and exercises for building learners' cultural competence.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Stylus Publishing
Year Published:  2012
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Building Partnerships for Service-Learning:

Author/Editor:  Jacoby, Barbara
Summary:  Describes the partnerships that are required to support strong and effective service learning.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  John Wiley & Sons
Year Published:  2003
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Caring and Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Nursing:

Author/Editor:  Norbeck, Jane S.; Connolly, Charlene; Koerner, JoEllen
Summary:  The chapters in this book, fourth in the Service-Learning in the Disciplines Series, are rich with information, both theoretical and experiential, that describes ways in which nursing has begun to incorporate service-learning as a methodology into many diverse settings and with communities of interest.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Civic Service: Service-Learning with State and Local Government Partners:

Author/Editor:  Redlawsk, David P.; Rice, Tom
Summary:  The book focuses on service-learning with government partners, such as city councils, school districts, and public agencies however the lessons are easily transferable to service-learning courses with businesses andNot-for-profit organizations.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  John Wiley & Sons
Year Published:  2009
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Charting the Course for Service-Learning: From Curriculum Considerations to Advocacy A Faculty Development Workbook

Author/Editor:  Eisenhauer, Mary Jane; Marthakis, Nancy B.; Jamison, J.R; Mattson, Marifran
Summary:  This book covers the  programs, services, and resources available for starting in service-learning. Includes interactive CD
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Indiana Campus Compact
Year Published:  2011
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Community Based Research and Higher Education:

Author/Editor:  Strand, Kerry; Marullo, Sam; Cutforth, Nick; Stoecker, Randy; Donohue, Patrick
Summary:  The book presents a model of community-based research (CBR) that engages community members with students and faculty in the course of their academic work.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  John Wiley & Sons
Year Published:  2003
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Community Service and Higher Learning: Explorations of the Caring Self:

Summary:  In Community Service and Higher Learning, Robert A. Rhoads examines the experiences of students as they commit themselves to community service during their college years. The author explores how a student's sense of self may be challenged through involvement in the lives of others within the context of community service relationships.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  State University of New York Press
Year Published:  1997
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Connecting Past and Present: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in History:

Author/Editor:  Harkavy, Ira; Donovan, Bill M
Summary:  Service-learning as a strategy for advancing the contemporary university and the discipline of history
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Construyendo Puentes (Building Bridges): Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Spanish:

Author/Editor:  Hellebrandt, Josef; Varona, Lucia T.
Summary:  Critical pedagogy and service-learning in Spanish.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Coretta Scott King Award Books: Using Great Literature with Children and Young Adults:

Author/Editor:  Stephens, Claire Gatrell
Summary:  A guide to teaching Coretta Scott King Award Books.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Libraries Unlimited
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Creating a Climate for Service Learning Success:

Author/Editor:  Jeandron, Carol; Robinson, Gail
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association of Community Colleges
Year Published:  2010
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Creating Community Through Service-Learning: A Faculty Guide to Creating Service-Learning Courses at The Ohio State University:

Author/Editor:  The Service-Learning Initiative at Ohio State
Summary:  Creating Community Through Service-Learning: A Faculty Guide to Creating Service-Learning Courses at The Ohio State University
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Ohio State University
Year Published:  Second Edition
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Creating Community-Responsive Physicians: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Medical Education:

Author/Editor:  Seifer, Sarena D.; Hermanns, Kris; Lewis, Judy
Summary:  Integrating community-oriented primary care and continuous quality improvement into service-learning
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Cultivating the Sociological Imagination: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Sociology:

Author/Editor:  Ostrow, James; Hesser, Garry; Enos, Sandra
Summary:  Using service and reflection to enhance learning in the community college sociology classroom
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Deconstructing Service-Learning: Research Exploring Context, Participation, and Impacts:

Author/Editor:  Mutliple
Summary:  A volume in Advances in Service-Learning Research Series Editor Shelley H. Billig, RMC Research Corporation.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Information Age Publishing
Year Published:  2003
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Expanding Boundaries: Building Civic Responsibility Within Higher Education:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Cooperative Education Association
Year Published:  1997
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Expanding Boundaries: Service and Learning:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Cooperative Education Association
Year Published:  1996
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Experiencing Citizenship: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Political Science:

Author/Editor:  Battistoni, Richard M.; Hudson, William E.
Summary:  The work of citizenship and the problem of service-learning.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1997
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

From the Studio to the Streets: Service-Learning in Planning and Architecture:

Author/Editor:  Hardin, Mary C.; Eribes, Richard; Poster, Charles (Corky)
Summary:  This book describes a formal connection between service-learning pedagogy and architectural practice, and to address the related issues, both profession and ethical.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2005
Available Online?:   No

Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction:

Author/Editor:  Heffernan, Kerrissa
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Campus Compact
Year Published:  2001
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Hospitality with a Heart: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Lodging, Foodservice, and Tourism:

Author/Editor:  Koppel, Joseph; Kavanaugh, Raphael R.; Van Dyke, Tom
Summary:  Enhancing the hospitality curriculum with service-learning.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2004
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Integrating Study Abroad into the Curriculum: Theory and Practice Across the Disciplines

Author/Editor:  Brewer, Elizabeth; Cunningham, Kiran; Green, Madeleine F.
Summary:  This book proposes tow strategies in regards to service-learning: Structuring study abroad to bridge the separation of academic learning from experiential and intercultural learning; and integrating study abroad with the undergraduate curriculum.

 Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Stylus Publishing
Year Published:2009
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Intergenerational Service-Learning in Gerontology: A Compendium Vol III:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  These compendia illustrate the work of faculty, administrators, students and community members at the thirty universities that participated in the Intergenerational Service-Learning programs.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Corporation for National Service
Year Published:  
Available Online?:   No

Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

International Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Research

Author/Editor:  Bringle, Robert G.; Hatcher, Julie A.; Jones, Steven G.
Summary:  This book offers a pioneering analysis, and understanding, of why and under what conditions ISL is an effective pedagogy, and ask the critical questions that all practitioners want to address as they consider their objectives and how they can measure the outcomes of their courses.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Stylus Publishing
Year Published: 2011
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Journal of Public Service and Outreach:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  The Third Mission: Service & the Academy
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The University of Georgia
Year Published:  1996
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Journey to Service-Learning: Experiences from Independent Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities:

Author/Editor:  Sigmon, Robert L.
Summary:  Philosophical foundations/perspectives for experiential education.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Council of Independent Colleges
Year Published:  1996
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Learning Around the Clock: Benefits of Expanded Learning Opportunites for Older Youth:

Author/Editor:  Bowles, Anne; Brand, Betsy
Summary:  Contains information about expanded learning oppurtunits to help youth improve academic performance and school engagement.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Youth Policy Forum
Year Published:  2009
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Learning by Doing: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Accounting:

Author/Editor:  Rama, D.V.
Summary:  Service-learning : an active-learning approach for accounting education.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Learning In Deed: the Power of Service-Learning for American Schools:

Summary:  Describes an innovative teaching method known as service learning, which integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Includes interviews with teachers, parents, communities leaders, and Senator John Glenn.
Format:  Audio/Video
Year Published:  
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Learning Through Serving: A Student Guidebook for Service-Learning Across the Disciplines:

Author/Editor:  Cress, Christine; Collier, Peter J.; Reitenauer, Vicki L.
Summary:  Creating cultural connections: navigating difference, investigating power, unpacking privilege.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Stylus Publishing
Year Published:  2005
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Learning With the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Teacher Education:

Author/Editor:  Erickson, Joseph A.; Anderson, Jeffrey B.
Summary:  Models for the integration of service-learning and teacher education
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1997
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Life, Learning, and Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Biology:

Author/Editor:  Brubaker, David C.; Ostroff, Joel H.
Summary:  Educational benefits associated with service-learning projects in biology curricula.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Lisa and Crystal: Learning to Read:

Author/Editor:  Gold, Judith
Summary:  This VHS video is designed to help users deliver high quality literacy programs. Crystal is a second grader. She is having an individual reading conference with her teacher, Lisa, in the beginning of the school year.
Format:  Audio/Video
Publisher:  Bank Street College of Education
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Making a Place in the Faculty Rewards System for Work with K-12:

Author/Editor:  Gips, Crystal J.; Stoel, Carol F.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Making Outreach Visible: A Guide to Documenting Professional Service and Outreach:

Author/Editor:  Driscoll, Amy; Lynton, Ernest A.
Summary:  Faculty professional service/outreach won’t get the respect and reward accorded other forms of scholarship until it can be documented and subjected to peer review. This companion volume to Lynton’s Making the Case for Professional Service delivers specifics for developing such a review process.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: Companion volume Summer 2001

Author/Editor:  Howard, Jeffrey
Summary:  A Service-Learning course design workbook.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Regents of the University of Michigan
Year Published:  2001
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: Volume 10 No.2 Spring 2004

Author/Editor:  Howard, Jeffrey
Summary:  A community service learning journal
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Regents of the University of Michigan
Year Published:  2004
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: Volume 10 No.2 Spring 2004

Author/Editor:  Howard, Jeffrey
Summary:  A community service learning journal
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Regents of the University of Michigan
Year Published:  2004
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: Volume 17 No.1 Fall 2010

Author/Editor:  Howard, Jeffrey
Summary:  A community service learning journal
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Regents of the University of Michigan
Year Published:  2010
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Minnesota Campus Civic Engagement Study: Defining Engagement in a New Century:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  This report provides the first comprehensive picture of campus civic engagement in Minnesota, including statistics and examples of both student engagement in community service and service-learning and institutional commitments to mobilize the full range of human, financial, and material resources on campuses to benefit surrounding communities.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Minnesota Campus Compact
Year Published:  2003
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

New Directions in Civic Engagement: University Avenue Meets Main Street:

Author/Editor:  Ferraiolo, Kathleen
Summary:  A collection of essays by 20 experts in the fields of higher education and community development who describe how universities can play a greater role in civic affairs.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  University of Richmond
Year Published:  2004
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Partnership Perspectives Vol III, Issue I:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
Year Published:  2003
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Partnerships for Service-Learning: Impacts on Communities and Students:

Author/Editor:  Kelshaw, Todd; Lazarus, Freyda; Minier, Judy
Summary:  The recent expansion of service-learning initiatives throughout American higher education is accompanied by the risk of idealistic and exuberant experimentation.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  John Wiley & Sons
Year Published:  2009
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Praxis I: A Faculty Casebook on Community Service-Learning:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The OCSL Press
Year Published:  1993
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Praxis II: Service-Learning Resources for University Students, Staff, and Faculty:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The OCSL Press
Year Published:  1993
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Projects That Matter: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Engineering:

Author/Editor:  Tsang, Edmund
Summary:  How to institutionalize service-learning into the curriculum of an engineering department
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Reflections: Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy: Volume IVNo. 2 Winter 2005

Author/Editor:  Roswell, Barbara
Summary:  Journal about of special issue on Service-Learning and Professional Communication Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Council of Editors of Learned Journals
Year Published:  2005
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Research for What? Making Engaged Scholarship Matter:

Author/Editor:  Holland, Barbara A.; Moely, Barbara E.
Summary:  A volume in Advances in Service-Learning Research Series Editor Shelley H. Billig, RMC Research Corporation.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Information Age Publishing
Year Published:  2010
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Rosa and Melany: Reading in English:

Author/Editor:  Gold, Judith
Summary:  Provides an opportunity to observe a child who is both an emergent English language learner and an emergent reader. One can see the ways in which the child engages in literacy learning and the strategies the teacher uses to support this learning.
Format:  Audio/Video
Publisher:  Bank Street College of Education
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate:

Author/Editor:  Boyer, Ernest L.
Summary:  Offers a new paradigm that recognizes the full range of scholarly activity by college and university faculty.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Year Published:  1997
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Service Counts: Lessons from the Field of Service and Higher Education:

Author/Editor:  Miller, Marshall; Steele Lockhart
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Campus Compact
Year Published:  1995
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Service-Learning and The First-Year Experience: Preparing Students for Personal Success and Civic Responsibility No. 34:

Author/Editor:  Zlotkowski, Edward
Summary:  Service-learning and the first-year experience.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The University of South Carolina
Year Published:  2002
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Service-Learning Engineering in Your Community:

Author/Editor:  Lima, Marybeth; Oakes, William
Summary:  This exciting new Service-Learning textbook will help you teach integrated engineering design within a socially beneficial context.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Great Lakes Press
Year Published:  2006
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Service-Learning in Higher Education: Building Community Across the Globe

Author/Editor:  Lin, Phylis Lan; Wiegand, Mark R; Smith-Tolken, Antoinette R.
Summary:  This book provides a forum for service-learning practitioners, researchers, administrators, and theorists to present insights, experiences, best practices, and models in the application of this pedagogy to student learning, with a particular emphasis on the expanding sense of community through local, national, and international service-learning experiences.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  University of Indianapolis Press
Year Published:  2014
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Service-Learning in the Curriculum: A Resource for Higher Education Institutions:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  This resource guide is intended to provide persons with an institution-wide responsibility for community engagement and service-learning, and academic staff wanting to integrate service-learning in their curricula, with a single, comprehensive resource, which includes 'everything you need to know' and more about service-learning.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  The Council on Higher Education
Year Published:  2006
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Service-Learning Through a Multidisciplinary Lens:

Author/Editor:  Mutliple
Summary:  Service-learning through a multidisciplinary lens.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Information Age Publishing
Year Published:  2002
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Service-Learning: A Movement's Pioneers Reflect on Its Origins, Practice, and Future:

Author/Editor:  Stanton, Timothy K.; Giles, Dwight E.; Cruz, Nadinne I.
Summary:  Inthis fascinating collection of stories, leaders in service-learning describe their early efforts to combine education with social action.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Service-Learning: The Essence of the Pedagogy:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  A volume in Advances in Service-Learning Research Series Editor Shelley H. Billig, RMC Research Corporation.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Information Age Publishing
Year Published:  2002
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Serving Safely: A Risk Management Resource for College Service Programs:

Author/Editor:  Joyce, Sharon A.; Ikeda, Elaine K.
Summary:  This resource book supports the belief that service-learning and community service programs provide beneficial opportunities for college students to develop an understanding and appreciation for active citizenship and participation in community life. It seeks to provide a resource for discerning areas of potential liability and establishing policies, procedures, and guidelines for minimizing risk in university-sponsored service experience. The authors cover liability, risk, risk management, establishing strong partnerships, and designing a safe service program.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  California Campus Compact
Year Published:  2002
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Student Learning Outside the Classroom: Transcending Artificial Boundaries:

Author/Editor:  Kuh, George D.; Branch Douglas, Katie; Lund, Jon P.; Ramin-Gyurnek, Jackie
Summary:  Conditions that foster involement in educationally purposed out-of-class activities.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The George Washington University
Year Published:  1994
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Teaching for Justice: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Peace Studies:

Author/Editor:  Maas Weigert, Kathleen; Crews, Robin J.
Summary:  Moral dimensions of peace studies: a case for service-learning.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

The Civic Mission of Schools:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  Carnegie Corporation of New York
Year Published:  2003
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

The Engaged Department Toolkit:

Author/Editor:  Battistoni, Richard M.; Gelmon, Sherril B.; Saltmarsh, John; Wergin, Jon; Zlotkowski, Edward
Summary:  This handbook is designed to help departments develop strategies for including community-based work in their teaching and scholarship, making community-based experiences a standard expectation for majors, and encouraging civic engagement and progressive change at the departmental level. It acts as both a resource and a curriculum, assisting others in replicating the Engaged Department Institutes offered nationwide by Campus Compact
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Campus Compact
Year Published:  2003
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them

Author/Editor:  Gruwell, Erin
Summary:  Straight from the front line of urban America, the inspiring story of one fiercely determined teacher and her remarkable students.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Random House
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

The Impossible Will Take a Little While: Perserverance and Hope in Troubled Times:

Author/Editor:  Loeb, Paul Rogat
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Basic Books
Year Published:  2014
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

The Practice of Change: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Women's Studies:

Author/Editor:  Balliet, Barbara J.; Heffernan, Kerissa
Summary:  Women's studies and community-based service-learning.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

The Spirit of Service: Exploring Faith, Service, and Social Justice in Higher Education:

Author/Editor:  Johnson, Briant T.; O'Grady, Carolyn R.
Summary:  In The Spirit of Service , the contributing authors explore the intersection of faith, service, and social justice in higher education.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Anker Publishing, Inc.
Year Published:  2006
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

The Unheard Voices: Community Organization and Service-Learning:

Author/Editor:  Stoecker, Randy; Tryon, Elizabeth A.
Summary:  This book explores the impact of service learning on a community, and considers the unequal relationship between the community and the academy.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  Temple University
Year Published:  2009
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Theory into Practice: Community Service Learning Vol 36, #3:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  The Ohio State University
Year Published:  1997
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Through Whose Eyes: Service-Learning and Civic Engagement from Culturally Diverse Perspectives:

Author/Editor:  Larson-Keagy, Elizabeth
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  Campus Compact National Center for Community Colleges
Year Published:  2002
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Toward a Civil Society: Civic Literacy and Service-Learning:

Author/Editor:  Lisman, C. David
Summary:  Addressing the need for marshalling the resources of education to help promote a more civil society, this book argues that education has a critical role to play in challenging the dominant views of politics and education.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Lisman, C. David
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Trying the Ties That Bind: Essays on Service-Learning and Moral Life of Faculty:

Author/Editor:  Cooper, David C.
Summary:  Collection of service-learning essays.
Format:  Print Resource
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

University + Community Research Partnerships: A New Approach:

Author/Editor:  Multiple
Summary:  The Pew Partnership for Civic Change is a civic research organization. Their mission is to identify and disseminate promising solutions to tough community issues. Solutions for America (1999-2001) was an action research initiative of the Partnership designed to pioneer a new model of documenting best practices and communicating results. This report examines the process and findings of this initiative.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  University of Richmond
Year Published:  2003
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

Voices of Strong Democracy: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Communication Studies:

Author/Editor:  Droge, David; Murphy, Bren Ortega
Summary:  This book contains information on the relation between the communication discipline and service-learning.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1999
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

When Community Enters the Equation: Enahncing Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education Through Service-Learning:

Author/Editor:  Ritter-Smith, Kathryn; Saltmarsh, John
Summary:  Service learning in the hard sciences.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Campus Compact
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  No

With Service in Mind: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Psychology:

Author/Editor:  Bringle, Robert G.; Duffy, Donna K.
Summary:  This book begins with six articles that address how psychological theory, research, and practice bear on collaborating with communities, interpreting changes in students, and using psychological techniques to understand and act on social problems. The remaining articles demonstrate how service-learning can be effectively integrated into a variety of psychology courses so that student learning is enhanced in breadth and depth
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Working for the Common Good: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Management:

Author/Editor:  Godfrey, Paul C.; Grasso, Edward T.
Summary:  Management students as consultants: a strategy for service-learning in management education
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  2000
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Writing the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Composition:

Author/Editor:  Adler-Kassner, Linda, Crooks, Robert; Watters, Amy
Summary:  Service-learning and composition at the crossroads.
Format:  Electronic Resource
Publisher:  American Association for Higher Education
Year Published:  1997
Available Online?:   Yes
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Yolene and Blayn: Reading Comprehension:

Author/Editor:  Gold, Judith
Summary:  Young student Blayn is having a reading comprehension conference with his teacher, Yolene. Viewers see how the conversation reflects Blayn's understanding of the book and are given the opportunity to suggest ways to extend his thinking.
Format:  Audio/Video
Publisher:  Bank Street College of Education
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes

Youth Leadership: A Guide to Understanding Leadership Development in Adolescence:

Author/Editor:  van Linden, Josephine A.; Fertman, Carl I
Summary:  Josephine van Linden and Carl Fertman provide flexible strategies that can be used with adolescents in any program or setting. They also offer insights on what organizations and communities, as well as individuals, can do to nurture and sustain leadership development.
Format:  Print Resource
Publisher:  Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Year Published:  1998
Available Online?:  No
Available through Ohio State Library?:  Yes