Office of Academic Enrichment Service-Learning Support for Learning through Service

Resources for Online Service-Learning

With more students and instructors interested in remote and hybrid courses, remember that the high impact practice of community-engaged service-learning can continue in a virtual teaching and learning environment.  Below is a collection of resources to help instructors find new ways to engage.

If you are already working with a partner, start by engaging them in a conversation around useful projects that can be completed remotely.  We recommend you contact your service site leaders to discuss if there is potential for students to be able to support their team remotely or if your existing projects can be transitioned to a remote format.  Some possible remote activities to discuss with your partner organization(s) include:

  • data entry
  • conducting background research or gathering best practices or other information requested by partners or clientele
  • setting up, recording, or streaming online performances, workshops, or other resources to benefit community partner
  • creating digital or social media content, program materials, or other methods for information-sharing
  • communicating with clients/patients to mitigate feelings of isolation
  • mentoring or tutoring
  • undertaking assessment, evaluation, or feedback via phone or web-based services

As always, we want our partnerships to be mutually beneficial and provide appropriate training, context, and reflection opportunities for students, regardless of mode of delivery.

Suggestions for Remote Service Activities

If you are designing a new course or looking for a new partner, there are more virtual and remote service opportunities than ever before.  Below are a few suggestions to start exploring:

There are many other online project listings to browse to find the right project for your course:

Remember that the fundamentals of preparation for engagement and reflection on the experience apply to all community-engaged/service-learning courses, regardless of the mode of engagement or teaching. 

The Office of Service-Learning is here to support you.  Please feel free to email with specific questions or concerns.