Office of Academic Enrichment Service-Learning Support for Learning through Service

ENGLISH 3467S Issues and Methods in Tutoring Writing

S-Designated Course
Beverly Moss
Terms offered:

Theories and practices in tutoring and writing; explores writing-learning connections and prepares students to work as writing consultants/tutors for individuals and small writing groups. The aim of this course is to prepare undergraduates to work with writers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. This class provides a unique opportunity for its members to learn about composition theory and pedagogy, tutoring strategies, and writing center theories and practices in order to put these theories and practices to work in classroom and writing center settings. Students will apprentice as writing consultants/tutors in the University Writing Center. Therefore, in addition to our regularly scheduled class time, each person enrolled in this course will spend approximately one hour per week in the Writing Center. In addition to your observations, you will be expected to complete a semester-long research project. This course is particularly helpful to those who are planning careers as teachers or who are enrolling in the professional writing minor (3467 is an elective for the writing minor).

Prereq: 1110.01 (110.01) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 467 or ArtsSci 3467S (HumCol 467). Cross-listed in ArtsSci.